Video 45
46. Mandukya Upanishad | Chapter 3 Karika 33
let us start with the peace chant o drunken emission Aoyama Deva bhadram Pasha moksha period yatra steerer Iran's douche wagon Shasta newbie via Shima diva he tada Yahoo swass Tina in drove with Joshua swass Tina Boosh of the shoe Aveda swass Tina star show our astronomy osteen Aubry Hospital Dada to whom Shanti Shanti Shanti so we were doing the third chapter of the Manduca karika and now we are on verse number 33 we're going to start words number 33 isn't that so verse 33 please chant with me or Kalpakkam young Ghanim uncle pakka mahjong Ghanim genome project shotty genome project shotty Bromham a gymnasium brawn Meganium gymnasium a Jana jumpy booth dirty Jana jumpy booth dirty very grand verse it says that unborn consciousness which is beyond all imagination we're all imaginations come to an end the knowledge by which you realize this is not different from the thing which you realize that Brahman which is to be realized is an unborn consciousness an undying eternal the unborn realizes the unborn by unborn alright so what does it mean throughout this chapter goroh pod has been telling us that the ultimate reality Brahman is not a cause not an effect not an effect means it's not that Brahman has actually become this world that we studied throughout this chapter it did not actually produce a second thing apart from itself so when is when do you say that an effect has been produced when another thing has been produced when something has happened but nothing has happened so Brahman does not actually produce an effect does not actually produce this world and if it does not actually produce this world then we cannot say it's a cause with me so far that's the whole argument in the third chapter till now what's the point of this because there is no real cause nor real effect Brahman the ultimate reality is beyond cause and effect therefore non-dual this chapter is called the chapter on non duality that there is no non duality means there is no second reality apart from Raman there is no second reality apart from Raman there could be a second reality apart from Bronwen if brahman actually produced a second thing but ramen has not produced a second thing called the world the world still appears that means the world which appears is not a second reality apart from Brahman it must be Brahman alone which is appearing as the world so Brahman is not a second there's not a second thing apart from Brahman and therefore Brahman is non dual how do you know there's not a second thing apart from Brahman because there is no cause-and-effect Brahman did not produce anything so there's no effect and Brahman if it has not produced anything but you can't called Ramana cause if something produces an effect don't then only you call it a cause right so the Brahman is not really a cause and it has produced no effect in spite of appearing as this entire universe what we are experiencing so it must be that primal brahman itself non-dual right non-dual right here right now so this was the central teaching now the subject has changed - he says notice our real problem is with the bind so how to make how to spiritualize the mind he has introduced a term harmony bahawa no mind and that's what we are discussing from verse number 31 to verse number 39 so what we will discuss is the this subject of spiritualizing the mind see the terms which are used are disturbing no mind Amani bhava vidya swami uses the term manone asha destruction of the mind no mind destruction of the mind it can immediately create some with some state where no mind is not functioning a mindless stress state no we discussed it last time what was the thing that we said the mind is spiritualization of the mind spiritualization of the mind trouble-free mind not a some shoddy mind that's what necessary we he said the mind should not be destroyed cannot be destroyed need not be destroyed why should not be destroyed because it is only with this mind that you enjoy jeevan mukti the liberation while living it's only with this mind that the teacher teaches teacher cannot be a mindless teacher so every activity that the master the enlightened person does in this world is with the help of this mind so mind should not be destroyed mind cannot be destroyed and we talked about it how life after life bodies have come and gone the mind can't my mind we mean the subtle body here mana bodhichitta Angkar our subtle body we have gone from lifetime to lifetime so even death cannot destroy the mind and even enlightenment cannot destroy the mind what will happen ultimately is after the death of this particular body the subtle body also dissolves for an enlightened person but for the unenlightened that mind goes on in any case right now after enlightenment the mind cannot be destroyed it still will be there just as the body continues you mind also continues the body mind will continue as an appearance well it will continue the structure will still be that will function it will fulfill its its duties and the mind so should not be destroyed need not be just it cannot be destroyed and need not be destroyed you see what is this whole business about destroying the mind or erasing the mind it is that we feel the mind is the problem and it is the problem it is the mind which generates duality and we have understood in in man dukhia samsara is seen as Dwight a duality and so whenever the mind is functioning it generates duality but what is understood is that the spiritualization of the mind means seeing a non duality here itself if we have a mind which is enlightened which actually sees non duality sees means experiences it knows the reality of non duality and the falsity of duality then that mind can be can live right here and yet not be affected by samsara the mind of a Jeevan Mukta of an enlightened person then that need not be destroyed why should it be destroyed so should not be cannot be need not be destroyed so what should be done with it spiritual eyes it and in adroit of identity spiritual eyes by knowledge what knowledge knowledge of we studied at misaki honorable Dana one of the verses was the knowledge of the reality of the Atman what is the reality of the Atman brahma satyam jagat mithya Jeeva brahma havana parabrahman alone is real the world is an appearance and I am none other than Brahman a humdrum has me so this is called art Masotti honorable halo settle down there at Misaki on oovoo Dena means by realizing that the truth that my Atman that is sat-chit-ananda that that is Who I am NOT the body not the mind I am that non-dual Atman or in the language of the Manduca and not the Waker not the dreamer not the deep sleeper but I am the fourth the Turia so that realization that realization sets you free that makes the mind spiritual eyes that makes the mind no mind that realization itself is called destruction of the mind so far we have seen this now the question arises a subtle question is this verse which has come right now it is actually an answer to our subtle question an important question this you are saying there is only one non dual Brahman who realizes this knowledge and how I am Brahman this knowledge you said this knowledge itself is magnet the spiritualization of the mind a mind becomes no mind when you realize hamamass me in the mind itself the knowledge comes a hunger Amma has me but didn't you just say the world is not a real world it's an appearance which means the mind also is falsified it's an appearance then a false mind gets this knowledge about the absolute and how because this absolute is beyond the mind how will the mind get the knowledge about the absolute who gets the knowledge how does this happen you seem to be contradicting yourself what is realized what is what is meant by falsity realizing the falsity of the world in other Advaita Vedanta na a prety t ba ha ha a prodigy means not a Preta t means non perception so it's not non perception in advaitha Vedanta it's not that when you realize the falsity of the world it does not mean the world will disappear in a puff of smoke it not mean the body will disappear in a puff of smoke it doesn't mean that the mind will shut down forever and some kind of mysterious burst of light will be there something like that today they release the first picture of the Big Bang or of the bay a black hole first time they have an image so something like that will happen no no no exactly like this what you are seeing the enlightened person also sees what you hear the enlightened person also hears everything is like this hold on everything is like this but read what happens what's the difference what's the difference meteor to an Estrella which Kalpana sure means the the insight into the appearance nature the falsity of all of this so you look at the blue sky and seeing the blue sky you assert it's not blue looking at the blue sky knowing full well it's not blue you can still see sky is so blue today you know and people also know what you mean people know that you are not saying it as a matter of fact you're talking about how it appears and how beautiful it is knowing full well that the Sun does not rise in the east and does not set in the West you say come see the sunset today there it's so beautiful people are coming to take pictures to seeing the Sun setting you can see that thing happening knowing at the same time it's not happening in the same way the enlightened person knows that the whole thing is an appearance in consciousness and yet can do everything you can go and go drive to the job and we can carry on the business of life of science of religion everything can continue knowing full well the the reality underneath is not a multiplicity it's one Brahman which you are so this is what is meant by falsity of the world this is what is meant by falsity of the world not erasing the world okay that may be so but if the mind is not real then how do you get this knowledge if you are Brahman you are not an individual Jeeva the the sentient being then who gets this knowledge so this is the question so the answer to this question a is this verse very grand very powerful verse this is one of those verses where I say if you get what they are trying to say you're just one step away from enlightenment it's that powerful you can see the the extraordinariness of God upon in this verse what does he want to see look at it this way knowledge comes look at it this way the question is how do I get God with general stick to step back and general question in spiritual life how do i attain in Mindi Paramatma keeper optic I see holy let me put two questions to you one question is by what practices shall I get God shall I realize God by what practices shall I realize God people ask how shall I become enlightened by that what do they mean what they generally mean is tell me some practices what should i eat what should I wear how should I sit how should I breathe what should I visualize how many hours a day should I sit like that what practices by what practice practices can I get God come on come on come on in by what practices can I get God that is question number one settle down yeah by what practices can I get God that is generally what people mean when they ask how do I realize God and let me ask another question that which is ever-present that was ever-present right now it's present that which is here itself everywhere and here all the time and right now and not different from me my own reality by how can I know that by what practices will i attain God question one but that God which you're speaking of which is everywhere and here all the time and now and nothing but my own real self there's no question of attainment it is that right now so the only thing is to be done is to know it so you can ask how do I know it by what means will I know it if you understand the difference between these two questions you will understand Vedanta if you do not understand the difference between these two questions it's a wasted effort think about what I asked pay attention because people do not understand the difference between these questions after always anta classes they will ask yeah but tell us something practical I have never from my childhood never had this question when I listen to and right away Dante never have this question it seems to be the most practical thing it's like you're in a dream and suffering terribly and somebody tells you to wake up and then you say I don't know that sounds terribly theoretical tell me something practical how do I meditate how do I pray what exercises do I do what foods do I eat to relieve myself from my suffering that seems practical so the answer to your question is right here today all your discouragement will vanish in an instant if you pay attention and understand just understand at the end of this class what about is what they're trying to say I mean again I'm telling you it will not be enough if you go on the way you are going on it will be enough if you pay attention this is the second time I'm telling you I told you already you did not listen notice how I listen to your questions and I can repeat your questions back to you you don't listen to what I say if you would all your problems would be solved right here today when you walk out of IDEO problems would be solved forever but you don't listen most of you won't alright so you'll have to do lots of exercises in your dreams you will not listen to the waking up advice have it your way a few lifetimes if that's what you consider funny then do it but if you would rather not if you want us to really want a solution if that's a real question then you will pay attention the direct answer to your question is right here just now I asked you there two questions we could spend the whole class on this these two questions one question is tell me why what practices I will attain enlightenment god realization I will see God I will become free and I will wake up what practices this is question number one that's you that's what you're asking yes you are think about it they had guidance of gurus and they took so long what takes long practice takes long now I want an acknowledgement forbid practice takes time yes practice takes time guidance of the Guru yeah so practice takes time lifetimes and here I'm getting only one Manduca class a week so your mentality still is the practice mentality it's the practice paradigm you're talking about I need to put in more hours and Swami you need to give me more hours why because the practice practice takes time effort repetition that's question one now contrast it with another question and putting two you pay attention if it is true that this what you're talking about Brahman is all the time eternal so it must be now here right now 4:15 p.m. today it must be there right now and if it is everywhere then it must be right here and if it is my own real self that's what nobody should continuously tells me I am that then it is right now right here it's me the only problem is I don't see it I don't feel it I don't know it how can I know it that's the question do you understand the question not how can i attain it what is attainment moving through space from here to there I will attain I need a car a subway or something a heavenly chariot to take me to the higher worlds going there that is attainment another type of attainment is time I must wait until death after death after the coming of the Incarnation after sri ramakrishna comes again after Jesus comes again after I get certain experiences after after time that also takes a treatment doctor you also have to work it for that or some other object I am this and there's something called Brahman which I must get hold of I am NOT getting sorry that's too crude not get hold of in the sense I must merge myself into it 20% Brahman 40% 50% and then 100% done this is called attainment rich deep within us the real problems are not in advaitha the real problems are in the enormous complexities we have set up that's why these questions come okay so it is not a question of attainment be careful with words you are saying it's question of realization and you'll be back again you say it's a question of realization now what do I have to do to get that realization how much time and how much effort and how much practice do know you're back again to that realization should be instantaneous if it is here now and you it should be instantaneous so so the question here which is being asked here is not a question about practice not a question about how many hours you put in an American see Americans make it worse by in patients especially Manhattan's so the old Zen story about I'm sure it must have been an American student who goes to a Japanese Zen master and says how long do I have to practice to get enlightenment Zen Satori how many hours a day and so he says for 10 years it'll take you 10 years 10 years I don't have that much time if I practice twice twice how long will it take me three forty years no no practice has its role what is practice karma OOP asana yoga what do they do they give their practices and they have results what we are talking about here is not a practice and it doesn't have a result also that's the amazing thing practices have results karma when you make it into Karma Yoga could transform your actions into spiritual action it purifies the mind it removes wasana it removes the conditionings of the mind purifies the mind prepares the mind yoga meditation it focuses the mind removes distractions we don't know how distracted we are we try meditation you realize how distracted you are and that in the Opus honor which is devotion but tea that channels your emotions sublimates the emotions I want I love I desired the world the world is replaced by I want I love I desire God all of these are meant to prepare the mind they are not meant for they will not give you God realization it will not give you this this Brahma gana they're all necessary they will give you certain results remember in the today I am talking entirely from the framework of God our Father no compromise with that prepared mind when you approach this that knowledge will give me realization of who or what I am right here right now I am this so for realization for knowledge what is required the sanskrit words are very precise brahmana practice for preparing the mind in sanskrit of bahasa but for getting knowledge which is what we are trying to do what is required is pramana brahmana means source of knowledge Ramanna so now the question in Vedanta becomes by what pramana will I get this knowledge that I am Brahman up to this if your understanding has been sharpened then the progress will be much faster what is that what should be the understanding at this point I am Brahman right now not after Samadhi after death after initiation after going to have right here not in heaven in Vikon turn in Paradise known right here right here right now I am Brahman but somehow I don't realize it I don't feel it I don't get it so the point is to realize it feel it or get it and that realization feeling or getting is not a practice it is this brahmana so the question now boils down to buy what pramana will I realize it feel it get it remember brahmana is not a practice brahmanas knowledge it's as simple as how will I know that no this pen open your eyes and look at it it's not a practice your eyes are the pramana which will show you this pen in my hand similarly what brahmana will show me that I am Brahman remember the connection because why do I need to know I am Roman art masaccio no Bhavana by the realization of my own Brahman nature mind becomes no mind that's what we are trying to do here now why should I make mine no mind go back to all the other classes take a look but what we are doing so this what the question now boils down to what from honor now how do you see this world I see it with my eyes my eyes are the pramana this pen how do you see it so with the light the flower how do you see it with the light this board how do you see it if you can see it how do you see it with the light so a pen flower board you need the light to see it follow me carefully the light how do you see it you have to add another light switch on one more light yeah and they put it nicely they see in Hindi Marshall codec Nicola du cinéma Shah Jalal gay to see a flaming torch in your hand do you have to light another flaming torch no you are that flaming torch you are that light which reveals everything to you in your life right now and that light is known by that light alone that's what the answer is and we shall investigate that now so these instruments reveal to us this world is revealed to you form I see the form with the eyes I hear sound with the years I feel things with my touches skin sense of touch I smell the fragrance I taste with my tongue these are the instruments which give in Allah jar of this world sound form taste remember the question is now what instrument will give me knowledge of Brahman what pramana will give me knowledge of Brahman now let me tell you something actually you do not see with the eyes you really do not see with the eyes when you when your fall asleep when you fall asleep eyes are closed how do you see by seeing I mean the experience of seeing right now you're getting an experience of seeing there was this person who went to sleep which is glasses on why I want to see my dreams more clearly hearing aid on why because I need I can't hear what people are saying so in my dreams I need to know what people are saying how ridiculous is that but then that shows you something incredible we have clear distinct experiences of seeing it feels like you're seeing it feels like you're hearing in your dreams without these physical eyes all are the years absolutely without them they are shut down the instrument instrumentation has been shut down and yet we have exactly similar experiences in dream which means the experiences are not really in the eyes the eyes are not seeing the ears are not hearing it's in the mind so the mind gets the explain when you see a pen there is a pen in our car every theory means a movement of the mind in the form of the pen in your mind when you hear a piece of music there's a music occur directly in your mind that's what gives you the experience somebody told me if you did a few weeks ago that expert musicians they say that they actually hear the music in their mind they can look at the scales in a classical Julie at school they can look at the scales and they hear it in their reading it telly they hear it Beethoven's the classic example the great composer who went slowly deaf and the music improved I don't know if it did I'm just a head but but blind deaf death death death is most important because he can't hear it and he's composing this extraordinarily subtle and powerful music it's in the mind all our five expenses are functioning beautifully in the mind more complicated yeah so it's in the mind our perceptions not ears not eyes not tongue not thoughts my nose it's in the mind those are there of course but in the mind experience takes place in the mind so mind is the source of this knowledge whether here or in dreams and yet I will say to you one more thing even mind is not the source of knowledge when the buying shuts down deep sleep how do you know deep sleep don't say that I don't know deep sleep because you all all of us share the experience of a third state apart from waking and dreaming a state of blankness of deep rest we have this in our culture all cultures across the world so that must be some experience by what do you know deep sleep by what are you aware of deep sleep I'm seeing you in a very general sense I'm not seeing you the person because you the person is shut down there in deep sleep by what notice one thing objects keep changing here is a pen you're seeing it by one that's a lie same light there is a flower you're seeing it by the same light there is a picture the same light you are seeing it there is a board the same light you are seeing it pen flower picture board coming and going light do they arrive with their own light and depart with their own like no no no so the light is constant similarly the light of consciousness is constant and the knowledge we have that comes and goes pen pen knowledge gone flower flower knowledge gun board board knowledge gone picture picture knowledge gone but the knowledge look at that knowledge knowledge knowledge what is common to all these knowledge is awareness or consciousness and when all this knowledge shuts down when you go to sleep and you have a real world of your dreams that awareness continues in which you have various kinds of knowledge mind is generating your dreams when mind shuts down again in deep sleep - shut down awareness continues what happens then the inactivity the absence of the mind and sensory inputs that is revealed by awareness a blankness and absence is revealed by awareness that's what are there why I say deep sleep sushupti is not an absence of experience it's an experience of absence it's an experience of absence now I'm telling you something in the Saudis in Uttarakhand they said low bun wallah that means little time throwing I'm going to throw a bomb Swamy Ranganathan and dizzy the 13 president of our order he is to say Vedantic thought bombs with antic nowadays post 9/11 you can't use such language especially in airports you will be arrested immediately by the TSA but whether antic car bombs means here is a stunning revelation by what is deep sleep experienced that undoubtedly you experience deep sleep now here is the what is the then the third bomb what is the it is this that which experiences which it reveals to you all forms with the help of eyes all sounds with the help of ears all tastes and touch and everything fragrance everything that which reveals to you the varied experiences of your dreams with the help of the mind that which reveals to you the absence of all these activities senses mind all of that in deep sleep which reveals to you the that absence that that absence of mental activity in deep sleep which reveals sushupti to you deep sleep to you that one that one reveals sushupti to you by what by eyes are you seeing seeing soup the deep sleep by eyes are you hearing deep sleep smelling tasting touching are you thinking about deep sleep are you saying with your book dr intellect i am now in deep sleep if you say that you are not in deep sleep no none of these so-called instruments the pramanas none of them are present there none of them are presented they say pramana premier bahar of election beyond the activities of the sources of knowledge and the objects known to them the absence of all of this deep sleep in deep sleep that's not there that sense of all of them is revealed to you directly you the consciousness shines upon that that which knows the absence of all pramanas also what brahmana is needed to know that it reveals everything to you like the light then what do you need to see it nothing it itself is sufficient to reveal itself that which reveals sushupti to you sushupti Sakshi you are the witness of your own deep sleep that witness of deep sleep does not require anything else to reveal itself it is self revealed self shining like this countless this light now see why we have a you look quizzical about things what's going on why we have this confusion we have this confusion here because of this we have this confusion because we feel differentiated our general idea about ourselves is this person we are in the waking State but in the waking State consciousness has already been laid over overlay you talk about overlays in computers there is an overlay of mind intellect mind memory personality there's an overlay of sensory activities then there's an overlay of the body and there's an overlay of a social personality and that is what you regard yourself as from that perspective the witness of deep sleep does not seem to be a very clear concept here what do you think we are all different from each other men women come come come we are all different from each other men women good bad nice all these differentiations we are separate people separate personality separate life stories all at this level of body mind complexes that there is one consciousness undifferentiated that seems so alien Tori of thinking but just think about it that imagine that deep sleep nothing is there world is not experience body is not experienced you neither see nor hear not smell nor taste nor touch you do not think you do not try to understand you do not feel you're a doer that witness of sushupti sushupti Sakshi that witness is that a good witness or a bad witness good or bad Darmok mapa Padma is it very sinful is it very virtuous is it a man or a woman gender boy or girl I was reading because here we the most complex gender situation is in New York City so New York State we have legally 31 genders you did not know that you do not to believe me you can google it 31 legally 31 genders and I was seeing that now there's a movement babies you cannot call them babies anymore you have to call them babies yes the babies are boys or girls that's the wrong thing to say - who are you to tell the babies whether they're boys or girls so they will be called babies and what organs they are born with will be kept confidential among a few caregivers until they are old enough let's say three or four years when they can decide whether they want to be one of the 31 genders a whole menu will be given to them so that Sakshi the with the witness consciousness in deep sleep is it a boy or a girl is it a baby not Devi a baby no it is not that witness consciousness is it happy or sad neither happy or sad is in the mind happy or sad is in the mind good or bad is the person with with who has done a lot of putting your Papa is neither Ponyo Ponyo Ponyo means one with lot of merits Papa means not of sins know that consciousness is none of them is it located in time and space is it here and not there don't say it's in the bed lying there and sleeping from its own perspective no word so forget the bed so it's not in a particular space is it located in time it is now 2 a.m. after a little while the alarm clock will ring though - whether to press new snooze or not to press snooze is the question now is it like that no no sense of time time and space are recognized only when the mind starts functioning before that the consciousness which which sees the absence of the functioning of the mind there is no question of time or space there is it different in different bodies and minds think about it our notion is to say each of us has a separates pure consciousness do we have separate pure consciousness no the separation is because if you separate pure consciousness I will say what distinguishes one pure consciousness from another what distinguishes one one witness from another you might say I am witnessing this Hall my friend is witnessing central part so the two witnesses are different because they did they are witnessing different things but in deep sleep all of us witness the same thing true or not does anybody have a better deep sleep than the other person a more exciting deep sleep a more boring deep sleep a more educated PhD deep sleep an affluent deep sleep and they're homeless deep sleep no there's no difference in inexperience and in the experiencer it's only awareness how will you say we have different calm consciousnesses so that witness consciousness of deep sleep let me just put it all together what we have got is beyond all distinctions of gender it's beyond all distinction is of body it's beyond time and space from its own perspective it is beyond all functionings of the mind happy sad desirous peaceful disturbed beyond even the most mentally disturbed person in deep sleep that's why they give medicines and all of that deep sleep nothing god that witness consciousness is not mentally disturbed perfectly all right so is beyond all of that is beyond all limitation millions of people millions of witness consciousness is no it is one witness consciousness and that which reveals the darkness of deep sleep is it not aware of itself can it not reveal itself of course if it is revealing that it can reveal itself what we do what one when we wake up the problem is this when we wake up we had this overlay of mind and senses and our personal story and body and in this waking world I am this person with so many of my problems this is who I am that sense of limitlessness and oneness is lost here but it vedanta saying it's here right now you are still that and this misconceptions which we have put upon ourselves I am this limited body mind with a limited story this is removed by Vedanta what is Vedanta doing Vedanta is telling you this I am NOT the physical body and the witness of the physical body I am NOT the pranic body and the witness of the pranic I am NOT the mental body and the witness puncher kosha and the witness of the mental body I'm not even the intellect which I'm using to do all this to thinking I'm not even that I am NOT the blissful anandam where the Bliss sheet of the last one the fifth one I am the consciousness apart from all of it the witness consciousness I that witness of deep sleep that unborn consciousness the world father calls it unborn consciousness Adam it is not created by anything else I never actually enter into the intellect sheet and say I am they think Ryan the knower no no I am just pure consciousness I do not become the knower though knowing happens because of me I do not get associated with down on the MIOSHA and enjoy bliss I am the enjoyer of this no but that happens because of me I do not descend into the mind and with of all the desires of the mind I say I want I want no I do not descend into the prana and associate with the prana and say I am the doer Kriya Shakti in prana no I do not descend into the body and say that I am a man woman a baby or something like that no I am always that unborn consciousness that unborn consciousness which is the witness of the five sheets follow this that unborn consciousness which is the witness of the five sheets and the unborn consciousness which is the witness of the five elements and the universe produced by the five elements is one in the same and bond consciousness who is the witness consciousness of the five sheets you who is the witness consciousness of the five elements Ishwara Bhagwan drummond with the five elements don't look confuse what are the five elements sky and fire and just the things by which the universe is made in modern scientist would say one hundred fifty eighty elements of the periodic table but that witness consciousness with the power of Maya which projects this entire universe I'm just translating from the Hindi you know the witness of the five elements witness consciousness of the five elements and the universe and witness consciousness in those five sheets it's one and the same witness consciousness a hombro mask me I am Brahman yes yes they run off whom exist here and now exist in you here and now exists in you you are here right your doubtful whether you are here or not that yes you are so let's right you are now follow this carefully you're listening to me you can it cannot doubt it that which is listening to me when there is a dream and you fall asleep and you're not listening to me anymore which can happen in this class very often that one is there in the dream too and when the dreams cease and you become peaceful deep sleep that one is there it's still there you follow what I'm saying the deep sleep comes and goes that one is still there you this presence is this one right now you are the presence which you are feeling that you feeling on the edge that that presence right now that one is there when the deep sleep comes and goes whole world disappears and then when the world comes back in the form of dreams that one is still there by it's like the dreams are lit up and when the waking world comes back that one is still there by that light this waking world is lit up that's like that you are that light you are that's what I'm saying what is happening to us is read that light which we are we trap it in this cage of body and my trap it means we think I am this it's a passing show which is flowing past on the screen of the movie then I say I am that one in the movie and when that one undergoes trials and in the you know sufferings I leap with it and when that one is disappearing I'm gone no you the light are the witness of that one the coming and going of that one it ups and downs of that one but you are there and you are not affected by it that's what I'm saying all of this samsara is due to your presence you are not trapped in some sudden other terms are is trapped in you samsara is youring engagement is your pastime and you are free of samsara right now but not as a body not as a mind as the witness as the light which is the witness of deep sleep as that one hold on to the questions that we finish this look at the verse that's a very grand verse very powerful all this was background to the verse a girl will become Kalpana means imagination occult become Kalpana means imagination what is imagination whatever you experience his imagination some saw our eyes imagination body husband wife children all imagination why because you experience them the birth and destructions of solar systems and universes imagination because they are experienced black hole today imagination because it is experienced he calls all of them imaginations where why would you call them imagination by not real because what is real is you these are occurring to you or they are shining in your light they reveal to you the Drishti are the Sanskrit words are more powerful actually brushed and reshape seer and seen three models let me put three models before you our usual way of thinking about it is the scene is something different drishya separate I am the seer two different entities interacting this is one way if there is a common sense physical way of looking at it scene and see are are two different entities if I go away without the bookwork will remain it doesn't depend on me I don't depend on it we interact it I see it I call myself as here and this is seen but is this true he asks if two things are separate they should be experienceable separately I say the pen and the book are separate why because you can see the book here without the pen you can see the pen here without the book so there are two different things but suppose you cannot see one thing without the other then you have no logical grounds of saying that that thing is different from the other one what I mean by this is all the objects of your dreams whatever the people in your dreams the food you eat in the dreams the places you go to the dream in in the dreams those things they do not exist apart from your seeing if you don't see them they're reciprocal disappear grappa that says even in this waking State there is simply literally tautologically it is impossible to experience anything without consciousness whatever experience anybody has scientist religious person atheist non dualist do a list whatever experience they have had they must have had it in consciousness true or not so second stages drishya exists in russia the scene exists in the scene like things in a dream what was the first one the scene the objects they exist apart from you and you see them but now you are being said is being said they exist in your seeing and look at your experience is it not so just by repeating this one can come to enlightenment is it not so everything that you experiment a stuff they are all in your experience have you ever experienced something outside your experience linguistically impossible logically impossible all right third step that which is in your experience you the experiencing consciousness and the objects experienced in that consciousness those objects are not separate from that consciousness it is that conscious they are made of that same consciousness which you are it is the same consciousness which name and form which appears as these objects and with the name and form called mind appears as the experience of the objects you the experience of the objects with particular name and my a name and form and the object with a particular name and form and remove the name and form underneath one consciousness alone who is that consciousness you three steps brush time drishya seer and scene are two different things step two the scene is win in this year step three the scene is nothing other than this year you are the entire universe you experience you means consciousness not body mind that consciousness with name and format the mind which further names and forms are the senses which further the names and forms of the body and the universe outside but you are that same consciousness at all our culpa come that consciousness in which all kalpana all divisions all varieties are realized to be only names and forms underneath one consciousness a cul become and what is that consciousness our germ unborn it is not caused or produced by anything notice particular knowledge is come and go pen knowledge flowered knowledge bored knowledge like a fan knowledge it comes and goes but consciousness behind them all constant so particular instances of knowledge are born and did they disappear replaced by another one but the background consciousness is not born does not disappear is constant throughout your waking life throughout your dream throughout deep sleep also it's constant are your unborn consciousness El Djem or Kalpakkam agem jeonnam jana means consciousness this verse gurupada uses the word our jump four times a jump it means unborn in Uttarakhand I asked once the him amongst in the Himalayas what's the difference between gold epatha and Shankar Acharya Shankar Acharya is so well known all of these commentaries written by Shankar Acharya and that the source of all our non-dualistic traditions are the commentaries of Shankara on the Upanishads in brahmasutra so the answer by one of the monks but I can never forget SID Shankar Acharya - jagadguru - Shankar Acharya was a world teacher I said yeah that's true and go Rapada go depart go about the boat for Karthi and this the word cannot be translated very easily but good enough in it's a it's a slang term in Hindi it means in the lower parts of this and in the plains it means a loafer a vagabond you know what you call a bum here so who is absolutely like a homeless person and nothing to do in the world and sort of like a like a spiritual or a holy trap so but in the high Himalayas what means a crazy man of wisdom is apparently to all to all you know purposes a person seems to be crazy but completely it lightened so go to father was like that Shankar Acharya is the one who wrote the commentaries on all these open ishod's is the one who established the four great monasteries on the four corners of India the ten orders of monks of which we are a part - and today we are standing at Vivekananda Sri Ramakrishna is also part of those ten orders of monks we reckon and also I am too and so Shankar Acharya set Hinduism on its present course not only non-dual Vedanta all the puja pundit leader the worship of Shiva of Durga of Ganesha of Kartik in the different parts of India these were prevalent but he systematized them and assign different places so he sort of reorganized Hinduism 1,400 years ago tremendous amount of work in his 32 years this is a world teacher go to father none of that he is the crazy man of wisdom puckertucker mark masse so the difference between the I was thinking today Shankar Acharya un'goro path if you at all make a difference Shankar Acharya if you want to look at his teachings you will find all the processes the sub schools of advaitha they all go to him switch degree Steve are the Drishti Shrishti wada the universe has been created God created the universe we are in this created universe and now we are working our way towards enlightenment that's one way of looking at it you can find that in Shankar aswer teachings the other way more advanced way so this dish Nevada like dream it's not that there was a dream world already created for you now you lie down now you enter into the dream world you know visa and passport and everything now you're stamped in for tonight you are in this world know that word pops into existence when you start dreaming so restrictive other says this universe pops into existence when you experience it that's that's another way of looking at our theatre is it true not true none of them are true only advaitha Brahman is true but this is another way of a ladder which you can a path which you can you can take little more difficult that also you can find in Shankar's teachings our trade about it the different forms of a chain of are the Pratibha vada AHA Sawada what do they mean what is the Brahman is infinite consciousness but what are we what are we there are three theories in up greater and all of them can be justified from Shankar's point of view what are the three theories one is imagine the Sun out there and put a pot here and water in the pot when you look into the pot what will you find a tiny little Sun so the sun is shining there and you will find a tiny little Sun there so that big Sun the real Sun is Brahman and the little son is a sentient being the Jiva us what is the part body what is the water subtle body mind this is called Pratibha vada the theory of reflection or the the the doctrine of reflection so what are what are we we are reflections of the ultimate reality in body mind that's one one way of looking at it it's called Pratley bimbo vada but there's another way of looking at it Archana wada which is a limitation theory we are limitations of the infinite what do you mean limitation when you look at out the window not this one I've been dry the higher floors into the blue sky there you will see Foursquare blue skies four squares four blue squares it's not that the sky has four blue squares it's the window frame which has four blue squares four squares the blue nails belongs to the sky but it's an unbroken blueness it gets broken up into four patches of blue because of that framework similarly an unbroken existence consciousness bliss through time space and causation into all these bodies it seems to be millions of consciousnesses no reflection here it's that same original consciousness appears to be many this is called our Jada wada the limitation theory there is another one AHA Sawada this is also very interesting it's very very much like reflection but in reflection what happens is there's a faint difference the abba-zaba of other means it's like your face seen in a mirror the face seen in a mirror is not a real face you might say the Sun reflected in the water is also not a real Sun but there in the reflected reflection Theory they will say that Sun reflected in the water is nothing other than the real Sun sorry directs your attention to the real self here Dawa Sawada is that the reflections in the mirror are false the jiva's are false Brahman alone is real the reflection theory says the jiva's are none other than Brahman this one Abbas of other means appearance Theory the appearances are false Brahmin alone is real so it's fine difference but they have different schools of thought they've given so much thought to how this individualization comes about all of these you can find in Shankar Acharya but go to pada mmm a yachtie wada EKG why I'll come come to that go to pada Asiata wada what is a yachtie wada non-board is it a reflection no is it a limitation no is it an appeal it means you are you a reflection of the ultimate reality are you an appearance of the ultimate reality are you a limitation of the anti materiality gorup ah this is none then what is the sentient being how is the sentient being born from the ultimate reality is it not born at all how is the universe created from the ultimate reality Shankara will say through my our and and the five elements are produced and is it none of that the universe is not created so let us go to father a jihad ikujiro vada is a consequence of restrictive order a gazebo vada means one jiva a commons one jiva mean sentient being one zero means right now right here imagine your dreams that's a classic example in your dream you meet many people maybe you're giving a talk to at the biggest talk ever given every store 14,000 people so you're sitting in an ordinary are watching your favorite game in in the what do you call the big stadium ten sub yankees game ten tens of thousands of people you're sitting there and watching it and you're having surrounded by a sea of people and it suddenly you wake up now tell me when you were there watching it in the middle of 10,000 people how many were there actually ten thousand one in the dream but really and asking really from your waking perspective one one mind the dreamers mind how many g was were there how many g was were there one you though you appeared to be interacting with ten thousand people it's seeing at that time that they were ten thousand bodies and maybe ten thousand minds in those bodies and ten thousand people in those body mind complexes persons but really no not ten thousand only one so in the middle of the ten thousand crowd 9999 where appearances there was only one diva you and you felt you're in that that sub-sahara for you and what is enlightenment waking up and sitting up in your bed all those ten thousand disappeared so you realize at that time they were not ten thousand I alone was there you were the only Jeeva but in that dream you are not Brahman you're Jeeva because you feel that you in the middle of that and you are enjoying or suffering as your team is winning you're clapping and cheering as they are doing badly you you're yelling at them you are definitely in samsara so you are definitely a diva but you are the only one there and you are also Brahman because when you wake up you realize the whole thing was your projection now that's a dream are you with me as an dream example now take it in this world what a Cagiva vada says a tremendous is a tremendous assertion how many people are here in this room now using one consider it from your point of view you can look around yourself and count maybe 50 people but really are can you see 50 people or you can see 50 bodies you can see their behavior their speech but is there a person in that body how do you know if I were a telepath I would know if you're a telepath you would know their thoughts but is there a consciousness a person behind those thoughts how would you know you wouldn't know in fact if you go strictly by your experience there is only one person you and that's how we live life actually the gulf between you and the person sitting next to you is much wider than the gulf between continents or stars and planets forever unbridgeable you can never really reach out to the person next to you the impossibility of actually really deeply touching a person body you can see behavior language you can see but the person inside completely isolated what proof is that there is another person this could just be another dream but still your problems are still there you will say whatever it is I am still I suffer and I enjoy I don't know the meaning of life and I'll probably die all that is there so if that is there then you are a Jeeva you're suffering and you need to get out of that suffering so you are a Jeeva you're samsara is still there only that you seem to be the only Jeeva here and you need to realize you're Brahman nature it's a very lonely kind of spiritual practice so a cagiva vada they're all models they are all paradise any conference by stein geiss all models are wrong some models are useful so my question after that became so a model it definitely is true for 40 you'll see 1400 years before unknowability conference of Manhattan after talking about all of this Goethe father will say advaitha meet chant occasion advaitha meet Chanti chopper is some people like non-duality some people like duality but the truth actually do a tarde waiter we were G TomTom if there is a truth it is beyond duality and non-duality only thing is in the language of that conference Gorda pada would say advaitha is a more useful model than the dualistic models useful in what sense for waking up for waking up you cannot by any possibility say you know him that would be degrading in home so how does how does that resolve with recognizing are attempting to recognize what I've been saying all along one hour now that's the exact question which I started at the beginning with this verse it starts to answer this question itself don't you see the question is how can you know Brahman that which is the pure subject we can know an object if it is a form you can see it if it has a sound you can hear it you can taste it touch it if it's a concept you can try to understand it if it's some mathematics you can apply and you can know something mathematically you can observe it and conduct experiments but Brahman is beyond all of this not only this you're going further to say that all of these instruments you are using are all appearances are false then how at all will you know Brahman that is the question exactly what Vivek and is saying is if you knew Brahman by those methods in a test-tube by a by a binocular by by a telescope microscope you are making Brahman into an object god known in that sense is no longer cart it'sit's a finite thing it's an object then the question would arise who is knowing that so this is not an object then how is it known and that's what he's trying to answer here I was not talking at random let me see if you if you followed my train of thought I'll very quickly summarize this world how do we know it by knowledge knowledge is one or many knowledge keeps changing whatever you see hear smell taste touch a series of knowledge comes before you knowing and knowing I mean you see I'm using knowing in the common sense the way it is used in day-to-day life or in science for example that way where you read know from a TV Merc of an experiment or a book so it's a series of knowledge but then I said there is one consciousness running through all that knowledge like one light revealing everything you are the consciousness in all your knowledge with me so far and that consciousness actually does not depend on the instruments you don't need to keep your glasses on and your hearing aid on when you go into dreams have to receive clearly and hear clearly no it sounds funny but it's a very important point you can have vivid experiences of seeing and hearing in your dreams without hearing aid and without glasses it's in the mind so the Mayan continues to know in dreams dreams their mind also shuts down consciousness itself shines on the blankness after dreams deep sleep sushupti is also revealed to you but that revelation of sushupti follow this revelation Shu Shakti is not like other knowing because there is no no unknown no one unknown disappeared there yeah it's still an experience because otherwise how are we at all talking about it in every culture of the world so Shakti we have an intuitive feeling of authorship T - what is - Shakti revealed if mind was the ultimate if eyes we're the ultimate seer in the moment you close your eyes you are not there anymore that's false you're still there when the eyes are closed because your mind suppose the mind is shut down in sushupti or in deep meditation you only are not there no the yogi doesn't say I disappear in deep meditation I'm very much there I'm an enlightened yogi in in deep meditation sushupti is also revealed as a blankness in - what is - Shakti revealed my core point that word which I said the pedantic thought Bom Bom girl was this try to grasp this if you are such that you are the witness of deep sleep if deep sleep also is being revealed to you by you then what do you need to reveal yourself that which can reveal deep sleep in the absence of eyes ears nose tongue skin that which can reveal deep sleep in the absence of mind that which can reveal deep sleep in the absence of intellect that one without any instruments without brahmanas it reveals the deep sleep no no you're not enlightened you're not enlightened the witness consciousness so what I'm saying is no my point is Pete it again deep sleep is revealed by you the witness consciousness the state of deep sleep that which can now follow that which can reveal deep sleep imagine what is meant by saying revealing deep sleep no instruments are there no glasses and telescopes no mind no intellect no sense organs no brain no nervous system nothing is present to you in deep sleep and yet you reveal the deep sleep what is that no I'm not even saying that that one which can reveal the deep sleep without any help at all you can reveal deep sleep without any help at all does it liquid does it require anything to reveal itself no it should not logically speaking it should not it does not require any help to it reveal itself leaf leaf is an object to that pure consciousness the state of deep sleep is revealed as if it is another it will go to power they will say it is revealed like as if you are revealed that like I'm seeing a pen there there they witness consciousness sees within quotes deep sleep nothingness blankness an experience of absence acquiescence our settling down everything is there it'll come back again next he will show us the difference between deep sleep and enlightenment he will talk about that next words now this is the point which is maddening a subtle point a tiny point but of of catastrophic contrib implications which means that and remember that core consciousness alone it reveals dreams when mind starts functioning that core consciousness alone reveals your body and senses once once you wake up and through the body and senses it reveals a world it is that consciousness alone which reveals everything that shine shining everything shines by its light everything is lit up that thou art now the problem is hollow the problem is is over them are they are enlightened in deep sleep no enlightenment is removal of ignorance and ignorance is the one which is creating problems for us right now in the waking state I mentioned all this that's why I say you don't hear it's not your fault it's a lot to take in in the waking state we have problems do you remember what I said in the waking state we are good person that person bad person man woman child they or whatever and pop atma of a sinful person or a good person we are see her here at smell or taste or touch all of this we we put upon ourselves and we are separate man women we locate ourselves in time and space and we have individual stories associated with us and therefore we have samsara but what what Dwight is saying but God up are they see that core consciousness which is which is there is no difference of man woman child there there's no difference of good and bad there you remember I mentioned no happy-sad there no possibility of happiness out there no possibility of samsara of there no possibility of difference there there's only one Ness that one which is one and non dual that one which is neither happy nor self that one which is not limited in time and space that one which is neither man woman child nothing that one is still there right now and that's what you are right now our problem is we have completely and we don't know that right now what we know we take ourselves to be that this is called at the azure superimposition this is what is going on quickly two questions and then I'll come to you yes what I understand what you're trying to [Music] I have a very good example a very good eggs wait a very good example a person cannot see and yet he composes magnificent poems like epic poem like that so when a person cannot see is the person gone our persons who are blind visually challenged are they're non-existent so ridiculous don't even sit think of such a thing a persons who are deaf at the disappeared of course not how silly you are very much there you're exactly the same it's just that the instruments are malfunctioning now now imagine a person with all the senses shut down you don't have to imagine we all experienced at every day all senses shut down are you there or not all senses plus mind and intellect shut down are you there or not correct let me just stop you there that is enlightenment our whole thing in in ignorance is that we have identified ourselves with this body mind complex and that's why we lose sight of what we always have a what we have in deep sleep in dream state and lay asleep we still have it we have lost sight of it enlightenment is this process this Vedanta is guiding us back to see those complications the cobweb which we have spun around ourselves they slowly disentangling ourselves from that to discover that core reality about ourselves which is always is was and will be free but that has to be done in the waking state because the ignorant functions in the waking State the entanglement functions in the waking State but once you have done it in the waking state once you have noticed it you realize your freedom so what Vedanta does it does not make you brahmin it does not transform you into Brahmin it does not take you to Bremen not uber spiritual uber no it just removes the misconception that you are not Brahmin doesn't even make you it cannot make you realize Brahmin why because Brahmin is revealed by itself see how can the question how can you know it you cannot know it Balanta will not make you know Brahmin Brahmin knows Brahmin or here in the kid in this language the unborn unborn knows itself by the unborn that is what that is what is happening it's still there but on top of that we put a layer of misconceptions those misconceptions are removed by Vedanta you will see yes how can I be the body I am the consciousness which is aware of the body step one the body is in my awareness step two the body is nothing but awareness step three awareness only and that becomes a realization here and now and you are set free by this realization there is really no problem this problem which we have set up that is disentangled by Vedanta right doesn't matter and don't become enlightened right away because we lose students will lose students we there is more to come don't worry right you don't you think but because you are suffering that's why I have to bother if you say that I have no problem at all no Vedanta for you you're perfectly all right good for you we'll say great go on but I have a problem yes Swami had no problem you created the problem by all of this no you come with a saying that I am unhappy I am dissatisfied I don't understand what's going on then this so-called problem have created body mind identification samsara it's just the framework a paradigm to understand our problems and it's all going to be knocked away to see that it is not not there at all so the unborn knows itself by the unborn very beautiful verse very stark and powerful language Swami Vivekananda says a jana jung we would be a homogenous young people quixote the unborn knows itself by the unborn by what brahmana does it know by the eyes ears nose does it know by mind intellect mathematics religion beliefs science none of them how do you know it can some something can know without any of them witness of deep sleep it is revealed to itself without the help of any of these then right now is it done is it finished yes always was then our what is our task what's remaining why am i unsatisfied the Unser dissatisfaction has to be removed that is why we have to be educated about the nature of this thing to show that we have really have no problem there at all let me finish so the unborn who knows the unborn consciousness itself knows what does it know it knows the unborn itself by what by what do you know deep sleep tell me that's why with their harping again and again deeply tell me why what do you know deep sleep if you know the answer to that you know by what you will know yourself by by the unborn consciousness unborn means it was an unborn means non-dual why what do you mean unborn it never created an effect so it was never born if it did not create an effect then it is not a cause if it rather than cause and effect it must be non-dual ad vitam so they are do a term the non-dual knows the non-dual by the non-dual or the unborn knows the unborn by not the unborn pure consciousness knows pure consciousness by pure consciousness so therefore it knows will be within coat already when you go to deep sleep they're also knowing is already within courts it's not really annoying in this sense all right just a humorous note and I'll take one or two questions and we'll end I thought I would do the next true versus the next two verses are to deal deal with deep sleep because I use the deep sleep example so they'll say oh oh so is it something like deep sleep falling asleep no it's very very different but how is it different that will be taken up in the next two verses anyway just a little humorous thing gajam the word ham if you actually look up the sanskrit dictionary it means a goat the Sanskrit word for goat is a jaw so if you literally translate this with the help of the dictionary you will get so what is enlightenment it is the goat knowing the goat by the goat no Adam means unborn Germans to be born jothee to be born jayati and a Geum means that which is not created or born the causeless consciousness which has no effect also good one by one of the questions once once you realize does the sunrise in the east and does it set in the West really no how do you know that it's cool Swami school and then but but when you don't you go to see spectacular sunrises and sunsets you do so it continues to appear but that's the real word appearance it's not real anymore you know after this now you say I am as I'm sorry Swami you are a monk but I am as I'm sorry after that you will say I'm not as I'm sorry how can the unborn consciousness be awesome sorry where is some sorry for who is some sorry the one who who goes to some Sun who says I am this person small miserable a bundle of flesh and blood I am going to my death and probably I'll be born again because of my miserable past karma nothing good is going to happen to me I have not attained these things and I will I hope to attain them in my future life and there are many plenty of horrible things which I would like to avoid in my next life and this I would like to go to heaven and I would like to avoid hell this is a I'm sorry that witness consciousness of deep sleep which is the witness consciousness in dream we use the witness consciousness now which is the two near the fourth that is not never was never will be all samsara is because of it advaitha does not read see next time advaitha does not require you to fall asleep or to go into net we call for Samadhi does not require you to close your shut your eyes you can let the movie go on but only the mind should know the movie is a movie that is called Imani power a money bomb it does not mean that you have to stop watching movies a money bahar no mind no mind means the mind which is aware that the movie is a movie it is not some sorry yes yes you have one of the few have listen very carefully then I mentioned it cave I flagged it once yes it is actually recorded in energy on Vedanta sir says a tea sukshma he again a brick TB how do we actually the question is how do we actually say I was in deep sleep how do we say that in so what's wrong see I go out to Central Park and come back and I say I saw this in Central Park how did I say it memory I saw it recorded in memory how was it recorded my sense organs were working my mind was working I was awake and therefore it was recorded the video cameras rolling it's recorded but in deep sleep you're saying we have an experience of deep sleep which be in some sense recall when we wake up how is it recorded then is pure consciousness recording no because pure consciousness that is not knowing as an act it is just shining forth it does not do any recording there's no trace left there then where is the trace left why do we say I slept I can honestly say I was awake I can honestly say I dreamt how can I honestly say I slipped because who is decide the ego which was shut down in deep sleep do you see this the fault line I was talking about how when the ego claims I was in deep sleep false and if you can catch what is the lie you have we got an inkling about what is beyond the ego the pure consciousness it is the pure consciousness which lit up deep sleep not there you go Rigo started functioning when the mind started functioning and yet the youb ego says I slept it claims the experience of pure consciousness to itself appropriate how that's the question just say I'm going to answer the question he's thinking you're repeating my question stating it in nicer and nicer forms but what is the answer there was a famous issue of mind of very famous British Journal of philosophy mine have you heard of that mind it's called mind it's the leading generic philosophy thing from Oxford or Cambridge so it's very old more than so in for its 100th issue they had a special issue and the issue was entirely humor it was like a serious issue of mind all-important discussions on kalasa fee none of them were serious they're making fun of everything so one of the things was how to answer deep philosophical questions for philosophy teachers so ten ways of answering questions one of the ways was this keep raising the question wonderful question this is the question it says this is what I want to know why hoping that the person will fire will forget and there are many other ways also another way was divert that is that is a really important question but to understand that first we must learn I answered this question and asked a question which you know the answer to and then answer to it and what is the link between that and this you don't need to tell people you forget another one is be honest and say that I really don't know and then the warning is there don't use this too much because then people will think you're a good fellow but useless so there were ten ways of answering a question and many many humorous things like like the thing about Descartes he went to this Paris cafe and the waitress asked him Monsieur Descartes more coffee he said I think not immediately disappeared I think therefore I am I think not like that the whole issue is really worth having an old one alright I remember your question so back to the question no they took it's a well-known question in Advaita Vedanta and the answer is that what is there in deep sleep it's not pure consciousness alone pure consciousness plus the the causal body car inertia reira the causal body or the anandamaya kosha car inertia reader is made of sattva rajas tamas and they are dynamic so they are in perpetual motion and they record this but not as memory therefore you don't have a specific feeling of I was in deep sleep it is just a trace of an experience of blankness that's all you have that's why it does not feel like memory dream feels like memory waking feels like memory deep sleep never feet it feels like an intuition that's what causal body lit up by consciousness records that records within quotes it's a good point to end the class on shantih shantih shantih hey hurry he own that sat sri ramakrishna reporter must [Music]